It’s a new and exciting world in relationship management and reputation building on the internet.
This morning, the news announced a local pizzeria won 2nd best in the nation based on reviews on TripAdvisor…. I may have walked past this particular pizza joint a 1,000 times in the last 5 years and I’m pretty sure I know where they are talking about. Never been there.
Amazingly, they are the only location in the CNN article without a link to a website!
They have a minimal presence on facebook, and I couldn’t care less if they have twitter or instagram… If I was looking, I want a menu and hours of operation. Still haven’t found a menu.
How can a tourist pizza place have a #2 rating int he nation with little or no internet presence? Good Ol’ Foot traffic and signage marketing.
They are located on a busy pedestrian only street and they certainly have the visibility necessary. Another prime example of Word of Mouth and location, location, LOCATION!
Here in this tourist town (Saint Augustine, FL) we have many businesses geared toward building traffic from visitors. Another interesting tactic i used by the Saint Augustine Distillery – They offer a ree tour with a museum, film about the local ingredients and farmers partnered with the organization, a guided through the distillation process, a free sample of hooch at the end, and before you can exit through the gift shop, the guiide asks quite nicely to rate the experience on trip advisor, facebook, or any other reputation building tool available.
It works.
I’ve never been on the free tour with less than a full house and I’ve one to the free booze tour more than once!